To help explain why we are so successful at weight loss hypnosis, we would ask you to consider the following: why is it that weight is only a problem for two categories of being: the most intelligent species on the earth (that’s us!) and the animals we domesticate?
Why is it that whilst approx 40% of Irish citizens are now classed as overweight, 99.99% of the other creatures on this planet, providing their food is available, eat as much as they want, whenever they want and are never overweight.
Why is it that other creatures on this earth are not prone to that never ending cycle of over eating and dieting?
The reason for this bizarre phenomenon is very simple — other creatures on this earth do not eat emotionally. That’s right; the reason why so many people in the western world are overweight is because as a species we have learned to use food as a means to change our feelings. Indeed, most of our clients’ weight problems emanate from the fact that they eat when they are bored, lonely, miserable or any number of other emotional scenarios, NONE of which have anything to do with physical hunger.
It a sad fact that as a result of our conditioning from birth, we all have a propensity to bury our feelings in food, but if we eat because of emotional hunger, our bodies will never feel satisfied because no amount of food is going to change the way we feel — indeed ultimately, it will only end up making us feel worse.
Through the use of Lughnasa Healing and NLP, we help to change your relationship with food by retraining your unconscious mind, that part of the mind that holds all our food related beliefs, associations and habitual patterns of behaviour.
Typically we would look to see you three times over a five week period, with each session lasting approximately 60 – 90 minutes.