Angels are interwoven within the culture of man. Regardless of religion or belief system, stories of angels are a part of our heritage, of the fabric that makes up human history Archangels are considered to be very powerful spiritual beings that have captured our attention for centuries.
The prefix ‘arch’ means ruling. Religious texts refer to archangels as being at a high level in the celestial hierarchy. Many traditions and faiths reference seven archangels. Who these seven are is a source of debate varying from faith to faith? Many scriptures tell of the archangel’s great abilities as healers and guides, intervening with assistance in many of life’s challenging situations.
In this next section we will meet the 7 main archangels that you will be working with as part of an Advanced Angelic Healing. This section is attuning you individually to the powerful energy of each of these archangels. It is intended to be treated as a meditation and there are very few words on the screens, you may well feel more comfortable just closing your eyes and listening, the script is available to download as bed-time reading material. DO NOT drive whilst listening to this, you may find yourself feeling very altered, however the graphics are very these archangels to work with your client during the Guardian Archangel Procedure beautiful and are also part of the alignment so take time to watch them if you can keep your eyes open! You will be divining one of that you will learn.