Ancestor & Family Energy Healing – clearing Present Life & Ancestral lines

The Family that we grow up in, is very important to our development in so many ways. Our original family unit give us primary male and female roles models, as well as socialisation around Behaviour Patterns, Love, Culture, Morals – to name but a few. All this and more forms the Code of Conduct with which we approach our life.

The family introduces us to the world of relationships, through which some of our most significant development will be expressed.
If you grew up in an idyllic situation where all your needs were met physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually – then Home provides a wonderful safe haven.

However it is much more likely that somewhere in the family scenario there will be challenges, difficulties and gaps in your nurturing. This is not to criticise anyone’s relatives – rather to explain that when our needs are not met (for whatever reason or situation) a hole is created in our energy field.

For as long as these wounds, shortfalls, gaps or losses are not dealt, they will simply continue to run. All this negative energy can adversely affect our energy flow, vitality, good fortune, well-being, comfortability and success.
It is also possible in inherit energy patterns, stagnations and wounds from your Lineage. Just think how easy it is to be connected to a vast array of relatives and the possibilities quickly widen up.

Add into the mix any energetic wounds or blocks that remain stagnant on your family line from past centuries/millennia and you may be correct in thinking that not all that happens to you is not your own doing.

There are so many situations and circumstances in our Ancestor’s past where negative energy persists – common re-occurring events such as war, famine, disease, money-troubles, arranged marriages, natural disasters and more – all make their mark.

Healing Ancestor & Family lines can be extremely liberating.

It heals all past and present lines as well as cleansing the future descendants from having to endure old passed-down negativities.
It is said that our Life Purpose is to first heal ourselves and then extend that healing to others and the planet itself – that our reason for Being is to exit this world leaving it a better place than when we entered it. If that is in any way true for you – then Ancestor & Family healing can offer you a chance to do great work that affects not only yourself but many other soul’s past, present and future.

Soul Retrieval – Collecting & Healing Fragmented Parts of Your Soul – putting them back together again

Have you ever found yourself saying the following phrases or something similar?

  • I feel like a part of me missing
  • I’m all over the place
  • I feel like a part of me is dying
  • I’m in bits
  • I feel so lost
  • I can’t get a grip of myself
  • I feel so small
  • I’m not here
  • I was literally blown away – blown to pieces
  • I can’t get myself back together
  • I want my [insert what is missing] back
  • I want my life back!
  • Part of me just shut down
  • I’m not all here…not firing on all cylinders
  • I’ve lost my grip on reality
  • Everything feels like kind of nothing…

Then it is possible you are describing the experience of Soul Fragmentation.

Soul Retrieval is a treatment in high demand right now, as its purpose is totally suited to Empowerment and working from more of the whole Real You.

If you have ever felt lost or diminished in any way as a result of an difficult experience – or if you feel like “a part of you is missing” then consider having Soul Retrieval Therapy.

During times of trauma, illness or stress – parts of our aura’s energy can literally separate off or break away and disconnect. When this happens, we can be more prone to illness, depression, low self-esteem, difficult relationships, poor motivation, weight gain, irregular sleep and other challenging states of being that are not necessarily the Real You.

During Soul Retrieval Treatment – the part of you that has separated can be retrieved and communicated with, then healed and re-integrated. The ‘lost part’ will return with its full strength, energy and vitality, as well as its own unique talents and personality traits.
This has the effect of making you feel more whole progressing to new, exciting and fascinating outcomes. It is always interesting to see what the returned part gifts you as it comes ‘home’.

Soul Retrieval offers a new way of being again. Often the returning part holds a trait that is crucial to your success – it is literally the missing key – that you always felt you had inside but couldn’t reach.

When a missing Soul part is willing to return it is a huge act of self-love and the comfort, healing and re-birth potential is brings with it can be unprecedented.

Past Age & Life Regression Therapy is a method of re-visiting a past life to effect deep healing

Working on the belief that a soul’s journey will involve reincarnation through many human lives, Past Life Regression Therapy is a valuable tool to deepen the understanding of your soul’s evolution.

Through Past Life Regression Therapy, one is able to observe the events and sequence of a past life and work therapeutically to resolve any unfinished business that may be impacting on the present life.
It is used to facilitate some degree of shift and/or release.  The aim is to restore some portion of lost self or personal power and to give voice to the soul.

A major premise of this work is the view that a past life can hold vital clues and keys to a current life issue that needs resolving. This can manifest in the current life in so many ways but a few are:

  • Phobias
  • Addictions
  • Recurring Themes & Patterns of Behaviour
  • Chronic Emotional Wounds
  • Illness
  • Recurring Nightmares  | Night Terrors
  • Relationship Breakdowns
  • Irrational Fears
  • Family Problems
  • and many more…

It is also possible to bring up a situation confusing in its scale, persistence and origin, as well as being distressing and challenging to live with.

Past Life Regression Therapy is a sacred healing event rather than a tourist ride for the curious and requires a respectful approach.
A good reason to choose it would be a strong desire to get to the bottom of, heal, resolve and potentially remove any block or wound. All of which allows for more personal freedom and a moving towards a happier life.