
Advanced Quantum Touch Healing

Quantum-Touch is a vibrational touch therapy that incorporates touch, breathwork, and body awareness meditations. Its concepts are closely related to polarity therapy. It is primarily a light-touch energy therapy, but it is secondarily promoted as a therapy that helps bones to spontaneously adjust to their proper alignment.

Richard Gordon developed the Quantum-Touch therapy and also published a book on this therapy, Quantum-Touch: The Power to Heal.
The Quantum-Touch healing process involves the practitioner “running energy” into the recipient’s body. Often, practitioners employ a technique that is known as “sandwiching” or “the hand sandwich”.

Sandwiching means that the practitioner will use his or her hands to sandwich the part of the recipient’s body that is to be treated. One hand will be placed on one side of the body part and the other hand will be placed on the other side. Another technique that is used for “running energy” into very small areas is to create a tripod using the thumb, forefinger, and middle finger. This is meant to help get the practitioner’s hands closer to the source of pain.

Advanced techniques used in this system include harmonic toning, spinning the chakras, structural alignment, and distance healing.

Comparison of Quantum-Touch and Reiki

Reiki is enhanced by Quantum-Touch. Quantum-Touch has no attunements or symbols. Quantum-Touch is a natural and innate skill that can be learned through simple breathing and body awareness techniques. These techniques allow the Quantum-Touch practitioner to powerfully focus and amplify the life-force energy.

Practitioners of Quantum-Touch don’t become drained or tired from doing sessions. About 40% of Reiki masters interviewed reported that they had occasionally felt the energy going up their arm, or had become tired and drained. This is a function of the practitioner matching to the client’s vibration. Without a skill to hold a high vibration, Reiki practitioners may at times become drained.
Numerous chiropractors, physical therapists, acupuncturists and osteopaths have been astounded to observe rapid structural realignment, reduction of inflammation, and other benefits.

Reiki masters who have taken workshops have nicknamed Quantum-Touch, “Reiki empowerment” or “turbocharging the Reiki.” Both systems use the same life-force energy. The Quantum-Touch practitioner learns to focus the energy like a laser, which takes concentration, body awareness, and breath.