The advance of Quantum Physics allows us to have a better or more comprehensive understanding of our life’s force. Natural or spiritual healing seeks to ensure the better understanding of life’s forces and identify various blockages allowing or encouraging one’s Mind Body and Spirit to activate our inherent healing system.
Information now available from recent drug trials attributes approximately 70% of healing due to the Placebo effect.

Up to recently about 30% of healing was attributed to the Placebo however with the freedom of information the level has significantly increased.
To interpret the results means that approx. 70% of healing and recovery came from within the patient and was not directly attributed to the medicine or drugs.

When one takes this into account the affect the mind has on our physical and emotional wellness, and the positive effect of treating the bodies healing, generally described as the holistic approach” Mind-Body-Spirit”.


It is obvious that a new approach or at least the inclusion of a complimentary approach is required to healing. Ideally it should include the holistic approach of Mind-Body-Spirit.

Spiritual healing has always been there since the start of time.
It is our belief and experience that with the aid of various complimentary and mind/energy therapies our bodies can assist and address many of life’s modern challenges to our wellbeing whether physical or emotional and can often successfully challenge many of our more chronic diseases.

To assist in understanding the enlightened approach towards healing let us first define illness.

“A disease or period of sickness affecting the body or mind.”

Activate and balance energy centres

However even with the assistance of modern medical science there is no guarantee of success, often the treatment available only deals with the symptoms and not the cause the results are long drawn out reliance on prescriptive drugs.
There is no doubt medical intervention might in the first instance be necessary however this is intervention, and at some stage we must move on to healing and this comes from within and is a natural ability.

Our approach is to encourage or stimulate the natural ability it has been long understood that there are various portals of energy within our bodies they allow and enable the energy of life flow unimpeded throughout our bodies. When we are unwell the energy flow is blocked or restricted and we need to activate and balance these energy centres that are known as chakras.

The chakras or energy centres are located throughout our bodies and consist of major and minor chakras and along with our natural meridians or path ways our energy life’s flow through our bodies and essential organs ensuring the energy is freely available and balanced as oppose to when we are ill or diseased our energy is simply not at ease.

As our understanding of physics improves from earlier Newtonian principles to quantum physics, we now have a science of possibility rather than our original fixed and limited understanding.
The results re that we now know we are composed of very small sub atomic particles of energy and even then, our molecular or cellular composition consists of 70% H20(water).

It has now been acknowledged that all the cells within our bodies have amazing inherent abilities such as memory.
All animals even the human species consist of 3 main parts often referred to as the Mind-Body-Spirit.

For optimum health we must operate as a complete person this is where the term Holistic comes from and to achieve success in healing, we must deal with the whole being and not just a portion of that being, remember 70 % of illnesses are attributed to the mind (Psychosomatic) this does not mean we have taken leave of ourselves no not at all however our brain in response to our mind is sending out the wrong responses.

We need to change how our mind is reacting, which incidentally is mostly sub conscious to allow our bodies return to a balance and allow our body regain equilibrium and commence healing from within.

We must never forget that there is a spiritual dimension to our presence on earth. I believe there is a consensus supporting this belief and we should never underestimate the positive power of our spiritual and religious beliefs and should always be aware that these good spirits are always there to help and encourage us irrespective of life’s challenges.

Being Irish is of great help when it comes to spiritual beliefs and the power of nature it comes from our ancestors and our deep spiritual understanding which goes back to pre-Christian times are in evidence by the extensive ancient structures that are in abundance throughout our ancient and mystic land.

We have a many available treatments to encourage healing and activate our internal immune system.